The 2024 annual meeting ceremony of Hebei Rongfeng has successfully come to a close.

19 February 2024

On February 18, 2024, Hebei Rongfeng ushered in the successful conclusion of the 2024 annual conference ceremony and outstanding employee commendation conference. Colleagues from various departments of the company gathered together to review the ups and downs of the past year together and open a brand new chapter of high-quality development in the new year.

The 2024 annual meeting ceremony of Hebei Rongfeng has successfully come to a close. NEWS 第1张

Ⅰ.Year-end Summary

1.Representatives of various departments and project leaders spoke in turn

With the opening of the annual conference, representatives of various departments and project leaders successively stepped onto the stage and delivered New Year's greetings. Standing under the spotlight, they used sincere emotions and full of enthusiasm to review the hard work and achievements in the past year, and look forward to more challenges and opportunities in the new year. Each speaker brought his own unique perspective and perception, and their voices converged into a force, inspiring every employee present to jointly contribute to the future development of the enterprise.

The 2024 annual meeting ceremony of Hebei Rongfeng has successfully come to a close. NEWS 第2张

The 2024 annual meeting ceremony of Hebei Rongfeng has successfully come to a close. NEWS 第3张

The 2024 annual meeting ceremony of Hebei Rongfeng has successfully come to a close. NEWS 第4张

The 2024 annual meeting ceremony of Hebei Rongfeng has successfully come to a close. NEWS 第5张

The 2024 annual meeting ceremony of Hebei Rongfeng has successfully come to a close. NEWS 第6张

The 2024 annual meeting ceremony of Hebei Rongfeng has successfully come to a close. NEWS 第7张

The 2024 annual meeting ceremony of Hebei Rongfeng has successfully come to a close. NEWS 第8张

The 2024 annual meeting ceremony of Hebei Rongfeng has successfully come to a close. NEWS 第9张

The 2024 annual meeting ceremony of Hebei Rongfeng has successfully come to a close. NEWS 第10张

2.The technical vice president spoke on stage

The 2024 annual meeting ceremony of Hebei Rongfeng has successfully come to a close. NEWS 第11张

3.The deputy general manager made the "2023 Annual Work Report"

The 2024 annual meeting ceremony of Hebei Rongfeng has successfully come to a close. NEWS 第12张

4.The general manager made the "Annual Summary and Future Development Report"

In the 2023 year-end summary, the company's chairman and general manager, Mr. Wu, repeatedly emphasized that Hebei Rongfeng must adhere to stability while making progress, focus on customer needs, optimize the product line, continuously improve product value and service quality, further enhance the core competitiveness of the product, integrate channel resources, and steadily focus on products and services in order to achieve further breakthroughs in 2024.

The 2024 annual meeting ceremony of Hebei Rongfeng has successfully come to a close. NEWS 第13张

Ⅱ. Commendation Ceremony

Success stems from unremitting efforts, and sweat cultivates superb skills; the glory of the enterprise cannot be separated from the brilliance of talents.

In the commendation session of outstanding employees at the annual conference, under the witness of all, many awards such as "Outstanding Employee of the Year", "Unsung Hero Award", "Excellent Team Leader Award", "Best Newcomer Award", "Best Progress Award", "Outstanding Contribution Award", and "Rationalization Proposal Award" were presented.

With their hard work and outstanding performance, they set an example for all employees and inspired their fighting spirit. We hope that all employees will take them as an example, in the future work, with more enthusiasm and high spirits, strive to be the first, and create better results again!

The 2024 annual meeting ceremony of Hebei Rongfeng has successfully come to a close. NEWS 第14张

The 2024 annual meeting ceremony of Hebei Rongfeng has successfully come to a close. NEWS 第15张

The 2024 annual meeting ceremony of Hebei Rongfeng has successfully come to a close. NEWS 第16张


We shed sweat

Created resplendent splendor

We dedicated wisdom

Created infinite power


We sow hope

To continue a new chapter for Rongfeng

Looking forward to seeing you again next year.

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